
You and I, you and I, we're like diamonds in the sky
You're a shooting star I see, a vision of ecstasy

Diamonds - Rihanna

Welcome to my portfolio about a shining diamond in the sky

I am on the road to discover many fabulous things in a whole new world about programming.Everyday I try my best to become one of the most shining diamonds in the programming sky

I don't know you and you don't know me. Probably we are not even living in the same country. We look different. We speak different languages. Maybe we are from entirely different generations. We are just complete strangers. But there is something that connects us. We both have great taste in getting programming

Thank you for being here. God bless you, whoever you are 🤗


Stay Hungry Stay Foolish - Steve Jobs

I am a newbie to the world of getting programming so that my experience is still limited.I have just completed my blog but in a demo version and some other projects.

I hope I could build up many useful application in the future and help people to find another alternative solution and make life better.

For instance,why do we find another real-time messenger application to alter Facebook Messenger ?If it collect our private information too much that doesn't have our permission.

I am here for that so Just do it !


Unbowed , Unbent , Unbroken - Phong Kaster

My name is Nguyen Thanh Phong.I am years old & living in Vietnam - one of the most beautiful friendly country in the world. I have been working to become a fresher developer & building up awesome works.

Nice to meet you who ever you are and so happy to be friend.